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ERASMUS - Outgoing After the exchange

Recognition / Transfer of Credits

After completing your stay abroad and finishing all your courses, you must get in touch with the academic advisors at AWI to finalize the transfer of your credits earned abroad. While the Learning Agreement already indicates, which courses can be counted towards which module, no course will be automatically transferred. You can still choose, which credits you want to transfer and which not. 

Grades will be transferred to the German grading system according to the grading scales on our website (see link).

After the credits have been transferred, you will receive a confirmation of recognition, which you must forward to the International Relations office. 

Trip Reports

To help other students profit from your experiences, we encourage you to write a short trip report about your stay abroad. The report will be published alongside the reports from previous students on our website. There is no specific structure of these reports, but we suggest roughly following the structure of the blueprint linked below.

Please send the reports to Fabian Pohl (fabian.pohl@awi.uni-heidelberg.de).

Other To Dos

The ERASMUS office also provides you with a checklist which summarizes all to-dos.