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ERASMUS - Outgoing Finances, Terms and Conditions


ERASMUS Mobility Grants

Students who attend a European partner university as part of the Erasmus programme are exempt from paying tuition fees to the host institution. Students also receive a grant to cover extra costs which may arise during their period abroad. The Mobility grant amount varies from year to year as it is dependant on the grant allowance amount set by the European Commission. Certain amounts have, however, been determined for each country. Unfortunately, the exact amount of the grant can be announced only at short notice, after the Erasmus grant allowance amount is published by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

To get an idea of the funding you might receive, you can use ERASMUS+ Grant Simulator. Please note, that this does not calculate your personal, final funding.

Mobility Grant 2025/26 (Expected)

The Mobility grand amount depends on (1) the country you are visiting and (2) the duration of your stay. 

Group 1 — €20/Day (€600/Month)

Austria, Belgium, France, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom

Group 2 and 3 — €18/Day (€540/Month)

Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Türkiye.

Calculation of Grants:

  • Stays up to 89 days:                                              calculation per day
  • Stays between 90 and 209 days:                        3 months flat
  • Stays over 209 days:                                             7 months flat

(1 month = 30 days)

The payment will be made in two instalments: one in October (January) for 80% of the total amount for the mobility and one in June (October) after all documents are handed in.

Travel Grant

New as of the academic year 2025/26 is a travel allowance. This depends on the distance travelled is higher, when environmentally friendly means of transportation are used ("Green travel"). You can use the distance calculator to calculate the distance to your destination.

Social Top Ups


  • Students and graduates with a GdB 20 or more or a proven disability or chronic illness that results in additional financial needs
  • Students and graduates who are studying abroad with children
  • First-time academics (students and graduates from a non-academic home)
  • Working students and graduates

can apply for a Social Top-Up for participants with fewer opportunities. The amount is 250 Euro /month (8.33 Euro/day) for the same period as the Erasmus scholarship.

Exact conditions and deadlines for applications are being announced in due time. Students with disabilities or chronic illnesses as well as students who are taking their child/children abroad can, in justified cases and in consultation with the International Relations Office, submit their application for a Social Top-Up outside the deadlines or apply for funding of the real costs.

Combination with Bafög and Scholarships

The Erasmus+ funding for the international mobility of students is a grant for additional costs incurred abroad. It is not basic funding and not a full scholarship. Students eligible for BAföG can claim BAföG for a stay abroad with Erasmus+. In the case of an integrated training phase within the framework of the Erasmus programme, the amount of benefit includes, in addition to the usual needs rates in Germany, travel costs, possibly an additional amount for health insurance costs, possibly a rent subsidy. Please make sure that you submit your application early (usually at least 6 months before your stay abroad). Information on BAföG benefits is available at www.bafög.de.

Erasmus students may receive regional, national or other funding from a ministry, regional authorities or private foundations as a supplement or alternative to EU funding (mobile participants with "zero grant funding"). Some DAAD scholarships are also compatible with Erasmus in accordance with the respective DAAD programme requirements (please submit proof of compatibility).

The Erasmus mobility grant may not be offset against other national scholarships, i.e. these may neither be reduced nor suspended.

Double funding of the same activity from EU funds is not permitted. The combination of Erasmus with a scholarship from the Baden-Württemberg Foundation is also excluded.

Other Scholarships

There are numerous additional scholarships for going abroad. The German Academic Exchange Service provides a database of scholarships (in German).


There is no insurance cover included in an Erasmus scholarship. You should therefore ensure that you have adequate insurance cover for the duration of your period of study abroad. 

More Information on Insurance

Cost of Living

As the ERASMUS grant does not cover all living expenses, your total expenditure may vary, depending on which country or city you stay in. Below you will rough estimates on the cost of living based on the information provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The DAAD also provides additional information about each countries' higher education system, also for countries that are not part of the ERASMUS scheme.
