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ERASMUS - Outgoing Application Procedure


Places at our ERASMUS partner universities will be allocated according to the following criteria

  1. Course of Study to date (Grades etc.),
  2. Letter of Motivation/Study Plan and,
  3. Language Skills in the relevant language(s).

Required Documents

  1. Letter of Motivation/Study Plan, i.e. why do you want to go to your preferred universities, and which courses interest you? This letter should be a page at max, and you should discuss all three of your choices.
  2. Current Transcript of Records, the printout from heiCO is sufficient.
  3. Language Certificates, for language skills in the listed languages.
  4. Application Form, to be filled completely.  

Please send the application form and all required documents (Current Transcript of Records, Letter of Motivation/Study Plan and Language Certificates) to erasmus@awi.uni-heidelberg.de by January 31, 2025 for the academic year 2025-26.

Application Form 2025/26

Language Certificates

If you haven't completed a language course or certificate, you may take part in the DAAD assessments at the central language centre to prove the required language skills. Some partner universities will request a proof of language skills for enrolment. In most cases, providing us with an appropriate proof of language skills is sufficient.

The Abitur or your equivalent higher education entrance qualification may also count as a proof of language skills (by the AWI), but are not necessarily recognised by all partner universities. Having additional proofs is generally beneficial, but not mandatory.

After Receiving an Offer

Shortly after the application deadline, the committee will allocate the exchange places according to the criteria. Once all places have been allocated in a first round, students will receive an offer via e-mail.

If you receive an offer, please let us know if you want to accept the offer as soon as possible, we typically ask you to take the offer within a specific, short timeframe. Places that are not accepted will be re-allocated or offered again.

4EU+ Exchange in Copenhagen or Geneva

Places for the 4EU+ partner universities are not distributed by the AWI. The places are allocated for the whole university by the ERASMUS office. We will forward your applications to the central ERASMUS office. As such, receiving a final offer will be somewhat delayed compared to other exchange partner universities.

Additional registrations

If you accept an offer, you will be nominated by us at the central ERASMUS office of Heidelberg university and at the partner institution. You will also be required to register at the ERASMUS office (Heidelberg) and, at a later date, at the partner university, who will contact you after our nomination.

Preparing your stay

To prepare for your stay, it may be useful to

  • browse the information for incoming students at the partner institution's website
  • read the trip reports by previous AWI students
  • contact or visit the International Office of Heidelberg University and receive more informational material about your destination.