Research Group Behavioral Economics

The research group behavioral economics comprises researchers at the Alfred-Weber-Institute who aim to integrate psychological insights into economics and finance.

From a descriptive perspective, we combine theoretical analyses with experimental and empirical methods to understand how individuals and groups make economic and financial decisions. From a prescriptive perspective, we study how to design institutions that help people making better decisions.  


The Behavioral Economics group publishes theoretical, experimental and empirical work that studies economic behavior in markets, strategic interactions, and individual decisions. Its work has been published in influential economics outlets including the American Economic ReviewJournal of Political EconomyEconometricaReview of Economic StudiesEconomic Journal or Journal of Economic Theory,  as well as Finance and Management outlets such as the Review of Financial StudiesManagement Science or Operations Research.

Group members serve as editors for several journals in the field, including European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Management Science and Operations Research.


The Behavioral Economics group offers several lectures and seminars in the field of experimental and behavioral economics and finance in both the Bachelor and Master programs. It offers the Behavioral Economics Track in the Master Program. Its members supervise Master and Bachelor theses in the field of behavioral economics.

M.Sc. EconomicsStudy Guide Behavioral Economics

Current Courses

Behavioral Finance

Topics in Behavioral Finance

Experimental and Behavioral Economics: Methods and Case studies

Organizational Behavior

Topics in Economic Theory