Prof. Christoph Vanberg, Ph.D. Public Finance
Chair Profile
The research conducted at the Chair of Public Finance centers around two main areas of inquiry. Firstly, our work in the field of political economics is focused on the question of how to effectively organize decision-making processes in groups in order to achieve mutual benefits for all members involved. Using formal game theory and laboratory experiments, we explore different voting rules and decision-making mechanisms that can help achieve these goals. Secondly, our work in the field of Behavioral Economics is focused on understanding the psychological and motivational mechanisms that drive prosocial and rule-compliant behavior. We use experimental methods to study topics such as honesty, promise-keeping, and other forms of moral behavior. In addition to offering lectures in the field of public finance, we also provide specialized courses in these areas of research.

Prof. Christoph Vanberg, Ph.D.
Tel. +49 6221 54 2912
Office hour:
AWI room 01.028
Friday, 11-12 a.m. via mail to

Antonia Mentele, B.A.
Secretary, AWI Newsletter
Tel. +49 6221 54 2941
Fax. +49 6221 54 3592
Room: 01.013
Office hours: Monday - Thursdays 10.00 - 12.00 a.m.
Dr. Moumita Deb
Post Doc
Room: 00.004
Tel. +49 6221 54 2955
Research interests: Behavioural/Experimental Economics, Information Economics, Public Economics, Applied Game Theory, Voting

David Piazolo, M.Sc.
Ph.D. Student
Room: 01.003
Tel. +49 6221 54 2929
Research Interests: Experimental & Behavioral Economics, Social Preferences, Political Economics, Game Theory