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Umweltökonomik Dr. Madeline Werthschulte
Tel. +49 6221 54 8013
Fax +49 6221 54 8020
Raum: 217 (Bergheimer Str. 20)

Research Interest & Short CV
Research Interests
- Environmental and energy economics
- Behavioral economics
- Field and lab experiments
Education and Employment
- Since 09/2023: Post-doctoral researcher, AWI, Heidelberg University
- 2020-2023: Post-doctoral researcher, ZEW Mannheim
- 05/2022: Vising researcher, University of Alabama
- 2021: PhD in Economics, University of Münster
- 2016-2021: Researcher, University of Münster
- 02/2020: Visiting researcher, Australian National University
- 01-04/2019: Visiting researcher, University of Alabama
- 2016: MSc in Economics, University of Münster
- 2014: BSc in Economics, University of Münster
Refereed Publications
- Werthschulte, M. (2023). Present focus and billing systems: Testing ‘pay-as-you-go’ vs. ‘pay-later.’ Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 212, 108-121.
- Werthschulte, M. & Löschel, A. (2021). On the role of present bias and biased price beliefs in household energy consumption. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 109, 102500.
Working Papers
- Can self-set goals encourage resource conservation? Field experimental evidence from a smartphone app, with Andreas Löschel and Matthias Rodemeier.
- ‘More bang for the buck’? Experimental evidence on the mechanisms of an energy efficiency subsidy, with Lara Bartels.
- COVID-19 and the formation of energy conservation routines: Disentangling the relative importance of attention and income shocks, with Andreas Löschel, Michael Price and Laura Razzolini.