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Macro & Econometrics Seminar
Organisation: Christian Conrad and Monika Lülf
Zeit /Time: Mittwochnachmittag/Wednesday Afternoon
Ort/Location: AWI, Raum 01.030 (Bergheimer Str. 58) / Campus Bergheim, Room 01.030
Eingeladen sind alle interessierten Studierenden, Doktoranden/innen, PostDocs und Professoren/innen.
Winter Term 2024/25
27.11.2024 | Daniel John, Universität Heidelberg | How Do Households’ Inflation Expectations Change in Response to News? |
04.12.2024 | Pascal Kieren, Univeristät Heidelberg | A Choice-based Approach to the Measurement of Inflation Expectations: New Evidence |
18.12.2024 | Manuel Schick, Universität Heidelberg | Multivariate Economic Tail Risk and Scenario Analysis using the Survey of Professional Forecasters |
08.01.2024 | Timo Dimitriadis, Univeristät Heidelberg | Score Decompositions for Economic Forecasts: Intuition, Estimation, Inference and Applications |
15.01.2025 | Marina Da Silva Rapp, Universität Heidelberg | Debt and Creditworthiness: How They Shape Households’ Responses to Monetary Policy |
22.01.2025 | Heiner Mikosch, KOF ETH Zurich | Fiscal Responses to Monetary Policy: Insights From a Survey Among Government Officials |
19.03.2025 10:00-11:00 | Michele Mario Ippolito, Universität Neapel | Modeling the Correlation Between US Banking Returns and Copper Price Using DCC-MIDAS and Copulas |
Winter Term 2023/24
15.11.2023 | Thomas Eife, Universität Heidelberg | Personalized Response Scales in Inflation Expectations Surveys |
06.12.2023 13:30 - 14:30 | Maximilian Boeck, Bocconi University Milan | Funktional Bayesian Additive Vector Autoregressive Tree Models |
14.02.2024 13:30 - 14:30 | Ramon de Punder, University of Amsterdam | Proper and Robust Autoregressive Derivative-Adaptive Models |
Summer Term 2023
22.-24.05.2023 | Alexandre N. Kohlhas, University of Oxford | Mini-workshop on Macroeconomic Analysis with Imperfect Information (funded by Hans Böckler Stiftung) |
02.06.2023 | Anne Opschoor, | „The t-Riesz Distribution: Introducing Tail Heterogeneity in Vector Distributions“ |
Julius Schölkopf, | „Macroeconomic Announcements and the Volatility Feedback Effect“ | |
Manuel Schick, | „Real-time Monitoring Growth at Risk using the Survey of Professional Forecasters“ | |
20.07.2023 Raum 02.040 | Michael Weber, Chicago Booth | „Subjective Inflation Expectations: Measurement, Effects, and Policy Implications“ |
Alexander Glas, | „The Experience Formation Mechanism“ | |
Frederik Horn, | „Mortality Beliefs and Saving Decision: The Role of Personal Experiences“ | |
Faek Menla Ali, University of Sussex Business School | „Skewness and Financial Crises“ | |
Daniel John, Heidelberg University | „Expectations Reconcile the Relationship between Marginal Costs and Inflation in the New Keynesian Philips Curve“ | |
Christoph Becker, Heidelberg University | „Measuring Inflation Expectations: How the Response Scale Shapes Density Forecassts“ |
Winter Term 2022/23
01.02.2023, | Mark Kerßenfischer, Deutsche Bundesbank | What Moves Markets (mit Maik Schmeling) | |
28.03.2023, 10:30 am - 11:30 am | Philip Schnorpfeil, Goethe University Frankfurt | Households‘ Response to the Wealth Effects of Inflation |