Working Papers | |
On the benefits of robo-advice in financial markets (2023) (with Marco Lambrecht and Simon Weidenholzer) | | |
Dissolving an ambiguous partnership (2023) (with Alex Roomets) | | |
Journal Articles | |
„Do women shy away from risky skill games?“ (with Marco Lambrecht), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 211, July 2023, 241-250. | | |
„The conditional contribution mechanism for repeated public goods - The general case“ (with Andreas Reischmann and Andis Sofianos), Journal of Economic Theory, 203, July 2022, 105488. | | |
„The Binary Lottery Procedure does not induce risk neutrality in the Holt and Laury and Eckel and Grossman tasks“ (with Oliver Kirchkamp and Andis Sofianos), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 185, May 2021, 348-369. | | |
„Savage vs. Anscombe-Aumann: an experimental investigation of ambiguity frameworks“ Theory and Decision (with Alex Roomets), 2020. | | |
"Copy Trading", Management Science Volume 66 (12), December 2020, Pages 5485-6064 (with Jose Apesteguia and Simon Weidenholzer). | | |
"Measuring Skill and Chance in Games", European Economic Review Volume 127, August 2020 (with Peter Duersch and Marco Lambrecht). | | |
"Hedging, Ambiguity, and the Reversal of Order Axiom", Games and Economic Behavior Volume 117, September 2019, Pages 380-387 (with Hannes Rau and Alex Roomets). | | |
"Managerial bonuses and subordinate mistreatment", European Economic Review Volume 119, October 2019, Pages 509-525 (with Nikos Nikiforakis and Anwar Shah). | | |
"The Binary Conditional Contribution Mechanism for Public Good Provision in Dynamic Settings - Theory and Experimental Evidence", Journal of Public Economics, 159 (2018), 104-115 (with Andreas Reischmann). | | |
"Imitation of Peers in Children and Adults", Games, 9(1), 11, (2018), (with Jose Apesteguia, Steffen Huck, Elke Weidenholzer, and Simon Weidenholzer) | | |
"Imitation under Stress", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 139 (2017), 252-266 (with Magdalena Buckert and Christiane Schwieren). | | |
"From Imitation to Collusion – A Replication", Journal of the Economic Science Association 2 (2016), 13–21, (with Alex Roomets and Stefan Roth). | | |
"A Test of Mechanical Ambiguity", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 119 (2015), 153–162, (with Alex Roomets). Video of the Galton box: here. | | |
"Cooling-Off in Negotiations - Does It Work?", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics Vol. 171, Number 4 (2015), 565-588(24) (with Andreas Roider and Patrick Schmitz). | | |
"How do subjects view multiple sources of ambiguity?", Theory and Decision 78 (3) (2015), 339-356 (with Jürgen Eichberger and Wendelin Schnedler). | | |
"Premium Auctions and Risk Preferences: An Experimental Study", Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 87, Issue C (2014), 467-484 (with Christoph Brunner and Audrey Hu). | | |
"Unintended Hedging in Ambiguity Experiments", Economics Letters 122 (2014), 243-246 (with Alex Roomets). | | |
"Hierarchy, Coercion, and Exploitation: An Experimental Analysis", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 97 (2014), 155-168 (with Nikos Nikiforakis and Anwar Shah). | | |
"When is tit-for-tat unbeatable?", International Journal of Game Theory, Volume 43, Issue 1 (2014) (with Peter Duersch and Burkhard C. Schipper). | | |
"Finitely repeated games with social preferences", Experimental Economics 16(2) (2013), 222-231. | | |
"Unbeatable Imitation", Games and Economic Behavior 76 (2012), 88-96 (with Peter Duersch and Burkhard Schipper). | | |
"Sick Pay Provision in Experimental Labor Markets", European Economic Review 56(1) (2012), 1-19 (lead article) (with Peter Duersch and Radovan Vadovic). | | |
"Pure Strategy Equilibria in Symmetric Two-Player Zero-Sum Games", International Journal of Game Theory 41(3) (2012), 553-564 (with Peter Duersch and Burkhard Schipper). | | |
"On the Ingredients for Bubble Formation: Informed Traders and Communication", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 35 (2011), 1831-1851 (with Carsten Schmidt and Wendelin Schnedler). | | |
"Mandatory Sick Pay Provision: A Labor Market Experiment", Journal of Public Economics, 94 (2010) 870–877 (with Stefan Bauernschuster, Peter Duersch, and Radovan Vadovic). | | |
"Imitation and the Evolution of Walrasian Behavior: Theoretically Fragile but Behaviorally Robust", Journal of Economic Theory, 145 (2010), 1603-1617 (lead article) (with Jose Apesteguia, Steffen Huck, and Simon Weidenholzer). | | |
"Searching beyond the lamppost: Let's focus on economically relevant questions", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 73 (2010), 65-67. | | |
"Uniform vs. Discriminatory Auctions with Variable Supply? Experimental Evidence", Games and Economic Behavior, 68 (2010), 60-76 (with Damian S. Damianov and Johannes G. Becker). | | |
"Rage Against the Machines: How Subjects Learn to Play Against Computers", Economic Theory, 43 (2010), 407-430 (with Peter Duersch, Albert Kolb,and Burkhard Schipper). | | |
"Cognitive Abilities and Behavioral Biases", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 72 (2009), 147-152 (with Andreas Roider and Patrick W. Schmitz). | | |
"Incentives for Subjects in Internet Experiments", Economics Letters, 105 (2009), 120-122 (with Peter Duersch and Burkhard Schipper). | | |
"Brown-von Neumann-Nash Dynamics: The Continuous Strategy Case", Games and Economic Behavior, 65 (2009), 406-429 (with Josef Hofbauer and Frank Riedel). | | |
"Imitation - Theory and Experimental Evidence", Journal of Economic Theory 136 (2007), 217-235 (with Jose Apesteguia and Steffen Huck). | | |
"Herding with and without Payoff Externalities - An Internet Experiment", International Journal of Industrial Organization 25 (2007), 391-415 (with Mathias Drehmann and Andreas Roider). | | |
"Overbidding in Fixed Rate Tenders - An Empirical Assessment of Alternative Explanations", European Economic Review, 50 (2006), 631-646 (with Dieter Nautz). | | |
"Herding and Contrarian Behavior in Financial Markets - An Internet Experiment", American Economic Review 95(5), December (2005) (with Mathias Drehmann and Andreas Roider), | | |
"Learning to Like What You Have - Explaining the Endowment Effect", Economic Journal, 115 (2005), 689-702 (with Steffen Huck and Georg Kirchsteiger). Press reports (Times, SZ, RNZ). | | |
"GLAD: A simple adaptive strategy that yields cooperation in dilemma games", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2005, Vol. 200, 133-138 (with Steffen Huck and Hans-Theo Normann). | | |
"Through Trial & Error to Collusion", International Economic Review 45 (2004), 205-224 (with Steffen Huck and Hans-Theo Normann). | | |
"The Limited Liability Effect in Experimental Duopoly Markets", International Journal of Industrial Organization 22 (2004), 163-184 (with Frank Schuhmacher). | | |
"Two are Few and Four are Many: Number Effects in Experimental Oligopoly", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 53 (2004), 435-446 (with Steffen Huck and Hans-Theo Normann). | | |
"The Repo Auctions of the European Central Bank and the Vanishing Quota Puzzle", Scandinavian Journal of Economics 105 (2003), 207-220 (with Dieter Nautz). | | |
"Zero-Knowledge Cooperation in Dilemma Games", Journal of Theoretical Biology 220 (2003), 47-54 (with Steffen Huck and Hans-Theo Normann). | | |
"Can You Guess the Game You're Playing?", Games and Economic Behavior 43 (2003), 137-152 (with Burkhard Schipper). | | |
"Intentions Matter: Lessons from Bargaining Experiments - Comment", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 159 (2003), 195-198. | | |
"On the Dynamic Foundation of Evolutionary Stability in Continuous Models", Journal of Economic Theory 107 (2002), 223-252 (with Frank Riedel). | | |
"Stability of the Cournot Process - Experimental Evidence", International Journal of Game Theory 31 (2002), 123-136 (with Steffen Huck and Hans-Theo Normann). | | |
"Cooperation as a Result of Learning with Aspiration Levels", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 49 (2002), 405-409. | | |
"Divide et Impera: Strategic Underpricing in Privatizations", Public Choice 108 (2001), 207-222 (with Pio Baake). | | |
"Evolutionary Dynamics on Infinite Strategy Spaces", Economic Theory 17 (2001) 1, 141-162 (with Frank Riedel). | | |
"Market Volatility and Inequality in Earnings - Experimental Evidence", Economics Letters 70 (2001), 363-368 (with Steffen Huck and Hans-Theo Normann). | | |
"Informational Cascades in the Laboratory: Do They Occur for the Right Reasons?", Journal of Economic Psychology 21 (2000), 661-671 (with Steffen Huck). | | |
"Does Noise Undermine the First-Mover Advantage? An Evolutionary Analysis of Bagwell's Example", International Game Theory Review 2 (2000), 83-96 (with Karl Schlag). | | |
"Does Information about Competitors' Actions Increase or Decrease Competition in Experimental Oligopoly Markets?", International Journal of Industrial Organization 18 (2000), 39-57 (with Steffen Huck and Hans-Theo Normann). | | |
"The Indirect Evolutionary Approach to Explaining Fair Allocations", Games and Economic Behavior 28 (1999), 13-24 (with Steffen Huck). | | |
"Learning in Cournot Oligopoly - An Experiment", Economic Journal, 109 (1999), C80-C95 (with Steffen Huck and Hans-Theo Normann). | | |
"Explaining Cross-Supplies", Journal of Economics, 70 (1999), 37-60 (with Pio Baake and Christoph Schenk). | | |
"Competition among Conventions", Mathematical and Computational Organization Theory, 5 (1999), 31-44. | | |
"Informational Cascades with Continuous Action Spaces", Economics Letters, 60 (1998), 163-166 (with Steffen Huck). | | |
"An Evolutionary Interpretation of Mixed Strategy Equilibria", Games and Economic Behavior, 21 (1997), 203-237. | | |
"Decentralization and the Coordination Problem", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 32 (1997), 119-135. | | |
"The Absent-Minded Centipede", Economics Letters, 55 (1997), 309-316 (with Uwe Dulleck). | | |
"Product Differentiation and the Intensity of Price Competition", Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (ZWS), 117 (1997), 247-256 (with Pio Baake). | |
"Kann man lernen, gemischt zu spielen? - Ein evolutionärer Ansatz", Homo Oeconomicus, XII(1/2) (1995). | | |
"The City vs. Firm Subsidy Game", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 24 (1994), 391-407. | | |
Book Reviews | |
"Individual Strategy and Social Structure - An Evolutionary Theory of Institutions“ by H. Peyton Young, Journal of Economics 70, (1999), 335-337. | |