Commitment and conflict in unanimity bargaining (with Topi Miettinen), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (accepted). | |
Multilateral bargaining with subjective claims under majority vs. unanimity rule: An experiment (with Anna Merkel), Journal of Economic Psychology 95 (2023), 102601. | |
Promise keeping and reliance damage (with Arjun Sengupta), European Economic Review 152 (2023), 104344. | |
What are the best quorum rules? A laboratory investigation (with L. Aguiar-Conraria and P.C.Magalhães) Public Choice, 185 (2020), 215-231. | |
Legislative bargaining with costly communication (with Anna Merkel), Public Choice, 183 (2020). 3-27. | |
Legislative bargaining with heterogeneous disagreement values: theory and experiments (with L. Miller and M. Montero), Games and Economic Behavior, 107 (2018), 60-92. | |
Who never tells a lie? Experimental Economics, 20 (2017), 448-459 | |
The dynamics of coalition formation - a multilateral bargaining experiment with free timing of moves (with J. Tremewan), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 130 (2016), 33-46. | |
Experimental Evidence that Quorum Rules Discourage Turnout and Promote Election Boycotts (with L. Conraria and P. Magalhaes), Experimental Economics, 19 (2016), 886-909. | |
Group size and decision rules in legislative bargaining (with L. Miller), European Journal of Political Economy, 37 (2015), 288-302. | |
An experimental study on the incentives of the probabilistic serial mechanism (with M. Kurino and D. Hugh-Jones), Games and Economic Behavior, 87 (2014), 367-380. | |
Adaptive Preferences, Normative Individualism, and Individual Liberty: Comment, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 170 (2014), 43-48. | |
Playing hard to get: an economic rationale for crowding out of intrinsically motivated behavior (with W. Schnedler), European Economic Review, 68 (2014), 106-115. | |
Decision costs in legislative bargaining: An experimental analysis (with Luis Miller), Public Choice, 155 (2013), 373-394. | |
Voting on a sharing norm in a dictator game, Journal of Economic Psychology, 31 (2010), 285-292. | |
Why do people keep their promises? An experimental test of two explanations, Econometrica, 76 (2008), 1467-1480. | |
“One Man, One Dollar?” Campaign contribution limits, equal influence, and political communication, Journal of Public Economics, 92 (2008), 514-531. | |