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Internationale Wirtschafts- und Entwicklungspolitik Robin Möllerherm, M.Sc.




Tel. +49 6221 - 54 3855
E-Mail: robin.moellerherm@awi.uni-heidelberg.de
Raum: 01.021

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Research Interests

Robin Möllerherm is a PhD candidate at the Chair of International and Development Politics under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Axel Dreher. He holds a Master’s degree in Economic Research from the University of Cologne and completed an exchange semester at the ESAN University in Lima, Peru.

His research interest lies in Applied Development Economics and Political Economy, where he makes use of Machine Learning techniques.


Since 2021 Heidelberg University, Chair for International and Development Politics, PhD candidate

2019-2021 University of Cologne, Master (MSc) in Economic Research

2016-2019 University of Cologne, Bachelor (BSc) in Economics