Working Group International Economics apl. Prof. Dr. Switgard Feuerstein
Head of the Examiation Board
Tel. +49 6221 54 3170
Room: 01.014 (1st floor)
Office Hours: Thursday, 14:15 - 15:15 Uhr

Research Interests
International and Industrial Economics
In addition to the bachelor's compulsory lecture Mathematical Foundations, both the bachelor's and the master's program offer various in-depth courses in the field of international economic relations, e.g. the lectures International Trade (master's), International Monetary Economics (master's) or International Economics (bachelor's).
The courses in the current semester can be found in LSF.
Seminar papers and theses must be submitted to our chair in digital form in addition to the printed version in order to be able to carry out a digital plagiarism check.
PhD Thesis |
Studien zur Wechselkursunion: Makroökonomische Konsequenzen der Wechselwirkungen zwischen festen und flexiblen Wechselkursen, Heidelberg (Physica), 1992. |
Post-Doctoral Thesis (Habilitationsschrift) |
Costs and Collusion: Contributions to Industrial Economics, Universität Heidelberg, März 1998. |
Articles in Journals and Contributed Volumes |
Collusion in Industrial Organization: A Survey, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, vol. 5 (2005) 168 -193. |
Collusion in Industrial Organization: A Rejoinder, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, vol. 5 (2005) 235 -239. |
Home Bias and International Price Discrimination, A. Budnikowski, M. Cygler, E. Czarny (eds.), Integration in the Globalising World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics Publishers, V 44 - 55. |
The Road to Adopting the Euro, Intereconomics - Review of European Economic Policy, vol 39 (2004), 76-83, (mit Oliver Grimm). |
Collusion with Fluctuating Exchange Rates: A Note, International Journal of the Economics of Business vol. 11 (2004), 107-116. |
Die Osterweiterung der Europäischen Währungsunion, in: D. Cassel, H. Müller, H.J. Thieme (Hrsg.), Stabilisierungsprobleme in der Marktwirtschaft - Prozesse und Strukturen, Festschrift für Artur Woll, (Vahlen) 2003, 163-182, (mit Oliver Grimm und Jürgen Siebke). |
Is Capital a Collusion Device?, Economic Theory, vol. 21 (2003), 133-154, (mit Hans Gersbach). |
Home Bias, internationale Preisdifferenzierung und Wirtschaftsintegration, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, vol. 222 (2002), 112-131. |
Do Coffee Roasters Benefit from High Prices of Green Coffee?, International Journal of Industrial Organization vol. 20 (2002), 89-118. |
Currency Boards: Funktionsweise und Erfahrungen in ausgewählten Transformationsländern, List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, Band 26 (2000), 228-247. |
Fiscal Policy in an Asymmetric Exchange Rate Union, International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 6 (1997), 239-258. |
Können Produzenten Interesse an einer Verbrauchsteuer auf ihr Produkt haben? Warum die deutsche Kaffeesteuer nicht abgeschafft wurde, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, vol. 215 (1996), 612-621. |
Warum die D-Mark trotz Inflation stark ist, Wirtschaftsdienst 73 (1993), 546-552. |
Wechselkursunion und Stabilitätspolitik, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, vol. 110 (1990), 359-379, (mit Jürgen Siebke). |
Quantifier Elimination for Stone Algebras, Archive for Mathematical Logic, vol. 28 (1989), 75-89. [Ergebnisse der Diplomarbeit in Mathematik] |
Working Paper |
Price Discrimination in Oligopolies with Best-Response Asymmetry, University of Erfurt, August 2006. |
International Price Discrimination and Intra-Industry Trade, University of Heidelberg, Januar 2005. |
Ad valorem and Per Unit Taxation in Oligopolies with Quality Competition, June 2003, in Revision beim Journal of Public Economic Theory, (mit Ulrich Lehmann-Grube). |
The Transition from a Currency Board to EMU: Is an Interim Period of Exchange Rate Flexibility Required?, University of Heidelberg, October 2000. |
A Note on Exchange Rates, Monopolistic Competition and Substitutability, University of Heidelberg, March 1999. |
Miscellania |
Egon Sohmen, Beitrag in Neue Deutsche Biographie, 2008 (erscheint demnächst). |
Der Bananenstreit zwischen der EU und den USA, AWG Schriftenreihe Nr. 17, Heidelberg, Dezember 2001. |
Monopolistische Konkurrenz und intrasektoraler Außenhandel, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt), 22 (1993), 286-290. |
Zur Harmonisierung der nationalen Fiskalpolitiken in der Europäischen Währungsunion, in: Dynamik des Weltmarktes - Schlankheitskur für den Staat?, VI. Internationaler Kongreß "Junge Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft", Köln: Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung, 1992, S. 60-61. |
Wechselkursunion und Stabilitätspolitik in einem einfachen keynesianischen Modell, Das Wirtschaftsstudium (WISU), vol. 16 (1987), 635-641, (mit Jürgen Siebke). |
Book Reviews |
Book Review on Benoit Daviron and Stefano Ponte, The Coffee Paradox - Global Markets, Commodity Trade and the Elusive Promise of Development, London and New York 2005 in: "The World Economy", vol. 30 (2007), 1031-1032. |
Book Review on Dimitri B. Papadimitriou and L. Randall Wray, The Elgar Companion to Hyman Minsky, Cheltenham 2010 in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Vol. 232 (2012), 716-717. |
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data
Date of birth: 21 November 1960
Place of birth: Kiel, Germany
Marital Status: Married, one child born 1988
- 1998 Habilitation in Economics, (German post-doctoral degree) University of Heidelberg
- 1991 Dr. rer. pol. (PhD in Economics), University of Heidelberg
- 1985 Diplom (MSc) in Mathematics, University of Heidelberg
- 1978 - 1985 Studies of Mathematics and Economics at the Universities of Göttingen (1978 -1980), Warsaw (1980 - 1981), Heidelberg (1981 - 1985) and Singapore (1982)
Current and past posts
- since 2008 Senior Lecturer for International Economics, University of Heidelberg
- 2006-2008 Research Fellowship, “Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy” (GEP), University of Nottingham
- 2005-2008 Professor for International Economics, University of Erfurt
- 2005 Vertragsprofessur (Temporary Professorship) for International Economics, University of Linz
- 1999 - 2005 Hochschuldozentin (Associate Professor) of Economics, University of Heidelberg
- 1998 - 1999 Lehrstuhlvertretung (Temporary Professorship) in International Economics, University of Essen
- 1995 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam
- 1991 - 1998 Hochschulassistentin (Assistant Professor) of Economics, University of Heidelberg
- 1985 - 1991 Teaching and Research lAssistant in Economics, University of Heidelberg
- 1983 - 1984 Student Teaching Assistant in Mathematics, University of Heidelberg
Scholarships and Fellowships
- 10/2006-03/ 2008 Marie Curie Fellowship of the European Union for research at the University of Nottingham
- 01/1995 - 12/1995 Postdoctoral Fellowship of the European Union (Human Capital Mobility Programme) for the research visit at the Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
- 10/1980 - 07/1981 Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to study at the University of Warsaw
- 1978 - 1984 Scholarship of the German National Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)